Nursery Rhymes

Prayer for the Sick

Prayer for the Sick
Find words of strength, comfort and support from the words to this Prayer for the Sick. We hope that these online, free words to this Prayer for the Sick are a source of inspiration in time of trouble and stress due to illness in the family or the sickness of friends. Harness prayer power with this Prayer for the Sick.

Prayer for the Sick
We hope that the following words of Prayer for the Sick will provide spiritual comfort and inspiration and allow you to harness the power of prayer.

Healing Prayers and Passages relating to Healing and sickness from the Bible
We hope you will find the inspirational words to these Healing Prayers comforting. The words of the Bible contain many words of wisdom and comfort. The passages and verses from the Bible have the power to bring strength to those who are suffering from an illness and those praying for the sick. The soothing and comforting words found in the Holy Bible are beneficial in healing anxiety and depression during times of trouble. The words will help with healing anxiety and depression during times of trouble.

Prayer for the Sick

Omnipotent and eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us
on behalf of Thy sick servant [Name] for whom we beg the aid of Thy pitying mercy,
that, with his bodily health restored, he may give thanks to Thee in Thy church.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the Sick

Healing Prayer Power - Prayer for the Sick
We hope that the spiritual, comforting and inspirational words of this Healing Prayer will give you strength in times of trouble. The online words to this Healing Prayer are suitable for different denominations including Christian, Jewish Catholic and Baptist. Choose from our spiritual Prayer Collection for illness and sickness including this Prayer for the Sick.

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Healing Prayers

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