Nursery Rhymes

Thanksgiving After Meals

Thanksgiving After Meals
A Dinner Blessing is a short prayer of thanks which can be said before, or after  a meal. These online, free words to this Dinner Blessing can be printed and used to create a personalised Prayer book. A short Dinner Blessing, Thanksgiving Prayer and saying grace are all different names for prayers expressing gratitude for the food that we eat which can be said before, or after  a meal on a daily basis.

Thanksgiving After Meals
We hope that the following words will provide inspiration for saying grace, a thanksgiving prayer or a short dinner blessing expressing gratitude or asking a blessing, before or after dinner or other daily meals.

Blessings for Meals
We have clarified the meanings of the different terms or words to describe saying short prayers at meal times - whether they are Thanksgiving Prayers, Dinner Blessings or Saying Grace.

Dinner Blessings - Saying Grace
Saying grace, applying to prayers said before or after meals, derives from the Latin words 'gratia' meaning thanks or 'gratus' meaning grateful.

The word blessings, applying to prayers said before or after dinner, relates to the verbal blessing of food pronounced in God's name by a member of the family at mealtimes. The word bless is derived from the Greek / Latin word 'benediction' meaning praise. The Spanish, the word bendito literally means "to say good things or good words".

Thanksgiving Prayers and Dinner Blessings
A simple definition meaning a short prayer expressing gratitude - literally giving thanks for food on a daily basis.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow...

We give thanks for all your benefits,
almighty God, who lives and reigns forever.

May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.



Praise God, from whom all blessings flow...

Next Dinner Blessing>> for Spiritual inspiration in healing anxiety and depression during times of trouble and celebrating joyful events in times of happiness.

Prayer & Prayers
Dinner Blessings

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